University College Tuition & Fees

网赌的十大网站提供你能负担得起的有价值的教育,我们努力为你提供资源,以使你的成本尽可能低, so you can earn your degree faster and for less money.

Information for 2024-2025 Coming Soon

Fall, Winter, Spring & Summer 2023-2024

Direct or Billed Costs

Undergraduate Courses

  • Evening Classroom Course (3 credits): $1,299
  • Directed Seminar (3 credits): $1,299
  • Online Course (3 credits): $1,299

Corporate Rate 15%

  • Evening Classroom Course (3 credits): $1,104
  • Directed Seminar (3 credits): $1,104
  • Online Course (3 credits): $1,104

Military Online & Day Courses

   (3 semester credit hours):  $750

  • 加州大学的学生上一天的课程是每学分1764美元,那么3学分的课程将是5292美元.
  • 加州大学学生修满15个或以上学分的全日制日学费为21,168美元.

Graduate Courses

  • Per Credit Tuition: $719
  • Three Credit Course: $2,157

Graduate Course Fees

  • Full-time Semester Fee (9 or more credits):     $475
  • Part-time Semester Fee (less than 9 credits):  $160
  • Online Semester Fee (online programs only):  $145

General Fees

  • Audit Fee: $513
  • Graduation Fee: $295
  • Lab Course Fee: $300
  • Late Payment Fee: $325
  • 学期费用:70美元(仅适用于秋季和春季学期). This price is not per course you take.

Indirect Estimated Costs

间接估计费用不会出现在学生账户(账单)上,并且会因学生个人而异. Students may experience different levels of indirect expenses; however, 所列数值代表学年津贴及全日制学生身份. 

Indirect Costs for Commuters
  • Housing: $1,502
  • Food: $3,414
  • Books & Supplies: $900
  • Miscellaneous: $331
  • Transportation: $2,580
  • Loan Fees $69
Indirect Costs for Off-Campus Residency
  • Housing: $9,762
  • Food: $3,414
  • Books & Supplies: $900
  • Miscellaneous: $451
  • Transportation: $2,580
  • Loan Fees $69

住宿和食物(通勤/校外):包括住房费用补贴(家庭操作), supplies, furnishings and equipment) and utilities (electric, water, cable, internet, and phone). 食物估计是基于美国农业部公布的家庭食物成本数据, adjusted for regional Cost of Living Index and inflation.

书籍和用品:这是对一个典型学生整个学年的书籍和用品成本的估计. RWU不会直接向学生收取书籍或用品费用.

杂项:标准津贴是根据学年期间个人开支的估计费用,包括服装, laundry, toiletries, cell phone expenses, entertainment, local transportation, additional educationally-related supplies, and other incidentals. 零花钱可以作为一个计划工具,帮助学生确定有多少钱可以用来支付这些费用. These items will not appear on a student’s RWU bill.

交通:这是对往返校园所需交通费用的估计, a job or internship, the cost of operating and maintaining a vehicle, 和/或在预定的休息时间到你家的距离. 

Average Loan Fees: There is an origination fee of 1.联邦直接补贴和非补贴学生贷款占57%, 在资金送到RWU之前,从贷款中扣除了哪些. 上面列出的69美元是学生贷款的平均费用. Actual fees will depend on the amount you borrow (if any). 

Withdrawal Policy & Refund Schedule


RWU的学费、杂费和其他相关费用每年由RWU董事会批准.  RWU的教职员工为我们的学生设计和调整了传统校园体验和课堂教学的许多方面, 所有这些因素都会影响到我们对大学及其项目的成本和定价决策,包括法学院和网赌的十大网站的项目. RWU继续在技术方面进行重大投资, training, and safety and health resources, 为确保学生继续获得优质的教育体验,我们提供了哪些措施, whether in person or remotely accessed. Consistent with our past policies, 学费和强制性费用不会根据教学方法和/或学术交付模式或学年期间可能发生的任何其他变化或中断(例如教学内容的调整)进行调整, schedules or the duration of the semester, 无法使用网赌的十大网站维护的设施, or cancellation of activities, events, services or programs. 学费和强制性费用将不因任何原因全部或部分退还, except as expressly provided for under the refund policy. By paying the tuition and mandatory fees, 学生和任何代表他们支付学费的人承认并接受这些条款.

Aid & Resources

Student sitting engaged in class

Save Time, Money, & Focus On What You Need 

先验学习评估是一种免费的方式,让你使用你已经通过相关学习知道的东西, work, or life experience and apply it towards a degree. Through Prior Learning Assessment, 你可以用更少的钱更快地达到你的目标——无论是学术上的还是职业上的.

Students interacting in class

Financing Your Education 

高等教育可能是你能做的最好的投资之一. 这就是为什么我们在这里帮助你找到一个适合你的经济援助解决方案.


Military boots

Military Benefits 


Where Do You Live?

你住在中央瀑布、克兰斯顿、东普罗维登斯、福斯特、格罗斯特、波塔基特还是普罗维登斯? 询问RWU为这些社区居民提供的低成本学费协议.

Employers & Municipalities

包括市政当局在内的许多雇主将报销学费. Ask your HR team for details about your benefits.

Unemployed or Underemployed?

您可能有资格获得国家援助和支持,以获得UC证书课程的微型证书, funded by the R.I. Dept. of Labor and Training. Ask your DLT case manager.

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